Get to know GuruFex

Demystifying the world of energy

I’m a Mystic, Servant, Energy channeler and a Spiritual Practitioner living in the eternally peaceful paradise of solitude. A paradise far away from endless chatters that sabotage the divine energy field. 

When the need arises, I help provide general guidelines for research methodologies to various governmental and non-governmental bodies on the Expansion of Consciousness outside of the physical body. It would be helpful to stress that almost those government agencies’ research on this topic are never made public. 

I also work with Psychic Archaeologists and Physicists in studying various phenomena, not limited in scope to the area of the resonance frequency inherent in every Birth Gem, in relation to its Native.

Revisiting different ancient cultures and leveraging on their wisdom in solving modern day problems has afforded me the unique and humble opportunity to positively influence and reshape the lives of thousands across the globe.

  • As a Servant with profound knowledge of Esotericism and a keen but passive observer of earthly affairs, I am here to share my wealth of knowledge and ancient wisdom with anyone that seeks and cares to listen.
  • Here on earth, everything is possible, if you would let go of all you have been thought, and become willing to tap into the endless possibilities that the universe possesses, with an open mind devoid of all limiting, societal and religious programmings. 

In other to keep spreading the message of empowerment, freedom and wisdom, I will be easily accessible to everyone, irrespective of where you belong on the Social stratification scale.

Everyone talks about detoxifying the body, but no one talks about mind detoxification. In as much as mind and body relationship is symbiotic, detox for one isn't complete without the other.

The Gift

I bring to you:

  • Reconditioning of the mind for a greater spiritual good, and freedom from strangulating, self-limiting religious doctrines.
  • Knowledge of Birth Gem and BGM(Birth Gem Meditation), which has been hidden away from the public, but secretly being used by a few powerful individuals.
  • The art of using Arithmancy, in line with Planetary Hour & Day and Life Path number, in supercharging Affirmations.
  • My countless access and exploration of the Akashic records.
  • How Birth Gem harmonises your energy with the energy of your core life force(a reconnection that manifests inner peace, healing & financial abundance).
  • The Demystification Of Earthy Life
  • The resolution Of All Of Mankind’s Woes.
  • Life without death – Living countless lives in a conjoined lifetimes, manifesting from one form to the other in a physical world, where what you see is a mere insignificant fraction of what has to be seen and interacted with.
  • Using food, energy transferrence, the understanding of the human biological machine, and other holistic means in reversing a diseased state and achieving disease-free life.

Spirituality is not suffering

I‘m an ardent opponent of Asceticism and self-flagellation. Instead, I advise all humans to live fully, joyfully, develop their Intuitive Power, and advance the “earthly journey” of their souls.

Realistically, in an overly commercialized modern world, it is practical to encourage everyone to seek financial independence in order to amplify their quality of life. Although, this must be in moderation so they aren’t trapped by materialism, as this will ruin the very essence of  such financial success itself.

The only alternative is creating a distance and separation between you and your material acquisitions, in an intermittent manner. 

As a matter of fact, everyone owes himself a decent life.

Please, follow me as I welcome and guide you through an eye opening journey that will transform your life forever, and take you to a place where Inner peace, Promotion, Financial abundance, Love, Healing and Career success are all guaranteed.

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